How did we tackle this project?

- We started the whole process with using the available information from different sources (analytics, marketplace reviews, claims history, etc.).
- Next, goals and limitations have to be defined with the users in mind. As mentioned in the previous section, this was made possible through a series of meetings and workshops with the stakeholders. Sprint planning occurs after having set specific goals (and user stories).

- We then make sketches, and early design solutions, while making sure everything is aligned with the goals/limitations. During this phase, we also constantly update stakeholders for the approval of the design solutions through, daily stand-ups, backlog grooming, sprint reviews. Working with the developers is also crucial, to make sure that the designs suggested are feasible.

- After having a design covering the goals, and addressing issues found, we then have several rounds of user testing to validate specific points in our design. We produce several outputs User Journey Maps, Affinity Maps, Thematic Analysis to help us discuss the findings with the stakeholders. Further iterations are then made, to reflect issues discovered from user testing.
- Improvements are then constantly communicated with the stakeholders, for prioritization of features to be implemented, feasibility checks, and ensuring that suggested solutions are still aligned with the goals.